Crystalline beads of sweat already glistened upon the combatants’ skin. Ragged breaths, heaving chests, and the steam of over exerted bodies rose above all. Although their flesh was failing, their spirits would not – could not – falter.

A desperate cry rang out, “WE WERE FRIENDS! FRIENDS, DAMNIT! DID THAT MEAN NOTHING TO YOU?!.”, punctuating the battle.

All Lemons had ever wanted was someone to be sincere with him. To take the initiative and show him their true feelings. He’d never expected things would end up like this, and with whom…

His opponent stood calmly before him. Arms folded; gesugao radiating an aura of condescension and control; ahoge twitching with anticipation. All the power here rested with the dark priest, and none with the vigilante.

They both knew it.

Haseo only smirked a little more.

Lemons, desperation setting in, threw himself into another attack. A feint within a feint. A combo he’d used time and time again to defeat many a foe. All he needed to do was wait for his adversary to take the bait, then he could counter on a dime.

The dark priest didn’t even flinch.

The first strike slid past his cheek, whipping up the side of his cropped hair. The second made him tilt his head back a fraction, letting Lemons’ knuckles kiss the peach fuzz of his chin only. A third, even more frantic blow, so overtly telegraphed it could have been predicted when the aforementioned device was still in use, just made Haseo laugh.


This only infuriated the vigilante further. He put every last ounce of energy into a fourth strike. This will end it, or so he thought.

It was very much the final move Lemons would make.

Haseo simply side stepped the outstretched arm, turning the fist away from himself, and wrapping his antagonist up in a smothering embrace. It all happened in less than a second, something like a graceless sweetheart spin out, where neither dancer has any rhythm. A clumsy series of movements, but effective.

“I’ve got you now, kitten!” Haseo purred into Lemons’ ear. Licking just the edge of his captive’s helix for good measure.

Lemons squirmed. Unsure as to whether his instinctive struggling was from left over adrenaline fuelled aggression, or the altogether unexpected mixture of emotions that were now bubbling up inside of him. He wriggled. Writhed. Incapable of breaking free, and gradually losing the will to. He tried to maintain the pretence that this was an uncomfortable predicament for himself, but – in all honesty to his deepest darkest desires – the hard-boiled vigilante shtick had been wearing thin long before Haseo’s confession.

All Lemons had ever wanted was to be held. To be loved. He had lashed out violently out of fear. Trying to scare off the potential relationship before he got invested, before he would inevitably be hurt again. Was it really inevitable, though? Had the dark priest not been by his side, through thick and thin, in sickness and in health, for years now? Had they not seen off enemies together? Fought alongside one another? Had each other’s backs, for richer or poorer, til death do they part?

A playful bite on his lobe brought him back to the physical world.

“You weren’t listening, were you? Whatever will I do with you now?” cooed Haseo, a devilish grim spreading across his eager lips.

“I… uh…” stammered Lemons, blushing intensely, “What do we do now, then?”

“Well…” began the dark priest, pausing on purpose to savour his victory, luxuriating in their first moments as a couple, “…I think you know what to do with deez nuts~

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